💲Validator Rewards Function

Validator Levels

The Validator levels are classified into three tiers: Beginner, Senior, and Master. The higher the level, the greater the rewards received for completing the same tasks.

  • Upgrading from Beginner to Senior costs 40,000 points.

  • Upgrading from Senior to Master costs 120,000 points.

  • Skipping levels during an upgrade is not allowed.

Validator's Rewards Function

PublicAI calculates the actual validator rewards based on the validator level and the quality of validation. The specific formula is as follows:

Validator Reward = [Total Historical Accuracy * (Current Accuracy / 0.5 + 1) * Validator Level * Base Points for Answering * Ranking Factor]

*Base Points for Answering = 30

Example 1: If a validator total historical accuracy is 0.51, the current tagging accuracy is 0.75, and the validator level is Senior, and he/she is among the top 30 individuals who chose the option that achieved consensus, the point rewards would be:

Reward = [0.51 * (0.75/0.5 + 1) * 2 * 30 * 1.2] = [91.8] = 92

Example 2: If a validator total historical accuracy is 0.25, the current tagging accuracy is 0.38, and the validator level is Beginner, and he/she is among the 31-101 individuals who chose the option that achieved consensus, the point rewards would be:

Reward = [0.25 * (0.38/0.5 + 1) * 1 * 30 * 0.7] = [9.24] = 9

Example 3: If a validator total historical accuracy is 0.43, the current tagging accuracy is 0.4, and the validator level is Master, but he/she either did not choose the option that ultimately reached consensus, or he chose the consensus option only after consensus had been achieved, the point rewards would be:

Reward = [0.43 * (0.40/0.5 + 1) * 3 * 30 * 0.2] = [13.932] = 14

Check Airdrop Points

You can view the $PUBLIC points you earn daily through:

  • Answering questions as Validator

  • Providing contents from X as AI Builder

  • Completing daily tasks

'Reward' page displays the total airdrop points.

Last updated